British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

About BCIT

BCIT was founded in 1960 with the purpose of providing practical, career-focused education and training to meet the growing needs of British Columbia’s workforce. BCIT has several campuses located throughout the Greater Vancouver area in British Columbia. The main campuses are the Burnaby Campus, Downtown Campus, Aerospace Technology Campus, Marine Campus, and Annacis Island Campus. Each campus is equipped with modern facilities, labs, and workshops designed to support hands-on learning and industry-specific training. BCIT offers a wide range of programs and disciplines, including technology, trades, business, health sciences, engineering, computing, applied sciences, and more. BCIT is known for its applied, hands-on approach to education, providing students with practical skills and knowledge that are directly applicable in the workforce.  


School of Business + Media:

The School of Business at BCIT provides programs focused on business administration, marketing, finance, accounting, entrepreneurship, and international business. The faculty emphasizes practical and industry-relevant education to prepare students for success in the business world.

School of Computing and Academic Studies:

The School of Computing and Academic Studies offers programs in areas such as computer systems, information technology, software development, data analytics, digital design, communication, and liberal studies. This faculty equips students with the skills needed for careers in technology, creative industries, and academic pursuits.

School of Construction and the Environment:

The School of Construction and the Environment focuses on programs related to sustainable construction, architecture, building engineering, environmental management, geomatics, and renewable energy. Students gain practical knowledge and skills to address environmental challenges and contribute to the construction and infrastructure sectors.

School of Energy:

The School of Energy provides programs in the field of energy management, power engineering, electrical and mechanical systems, renewable energy, and sustainability. Students learn about energy efficiency, power generation, distribution systems, and emerging technologies in the energy sector.

School of Health Sciences:

The School of Health Sciences offers programs in nursing, medical laboratory science, health information management, dental hygiene, sonography, radiation therapy, and other health-related disciplines. Students gain the necessary knowledge and practical experience to pursue careers in healthcare and allied health professions.

School of Transportation:

The School of Transportation focuses on programs related to aviation, marine, automotive, rail, and transportation logistics. Students learn about aircraft maintenance, navigation, marine engineering, automotive technology, supply chain management, and other aspects of the transportation industry.

Admission Requirements at BCIT

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs: 

  1. Academic Requirements: International students must meet the minimum academic requirements for admission. This typically includes the completion of a secondary school diploma or its equivalent. The specific grade requirements may vary depending on the program of study. Students must also complete Program-Specific Prerequisite courses at the senior level (e.g. Grade 11/12). Transcripts should be in English or accompanied by an official English translation and send to BCIT for evaluation.
    • For certain BCIT programs that require a post-secondary education as an admission requirement, applicants who have completed their post-secondary studies outside of Canada will be required to undergo a thorough ICES evaluation.

  2. English Language Proficiency: International students whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in the English language. TWU accepts various English language proficiency tests, such as TOEFL (86), IELTS (6.5), Duolingo (120) or other recognized equivalents. Minimum score requirements vary depending on the program.
    • If students do not possess an English Language Proficiency Test results they may take the English assessment test
  3. Supporting Documents: International students may be required to provide additional supporting documents, such as personal statements, portfolios, auditions/interviews, work experience, GMAT or GRE scores, letters of recommendation, or a resume/CV. These documents can help provide a comprehensive overview of the applicant’s qualifications and experiences.
    1. Some programs may also require you take the science and math assessment tests. Please note percentage grade requirement varies among programs.

Tuition, Fees and Refund Policy


  1. Degree and Graduate Study Programs Tuition: Ranges between $6,000 CAD – $16,000 CAD per term
    • Eg. Bachelor of Accounting Program Tuition: $8,914 CAD CAD per term
    • Eg. Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science Program Tuition: $13,865 CAD per term
    • Eg. Bachelor of Architectural Science Program Tuition: $13,254 CAD per term
    • Eg. Bachelor of Business Administration Program tuition: $8,914 CAD per term
    • Eg. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering Program Tuition: $10,908 CAD per term
    • Eg. Master of Engineering in Building Science Program Tuition: $16,720 CAD per term
  2. Commitment Fee/Tuition Deposit: $3000 CAD for international students


  1. Application Fee: $154 CAD
  2. Health and Dental Plan Fee: 4147 CAD per term
  3. Student Association Activity Fee: $144.22 CAD per term
  4. Ancillary Fees: $125.79 CAD per term
  5. Student Housing Cost: $2000 CAD – $4000 CAD per term

Refund Policy:

If your study permit is rejected, you must inform your Admissions Officer promptly. The application fee cannot be refunded or transferred. Nevertheless, you may seek a complete refund for the commitment fee and all tuition fees you have paid by sending a scanned copy of the study permit denial letter from Immigration, Refugee & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) within 60 days of the start of your program.


BCIT programs have application and start dates that differ.

  1. Fall Term (September Intake): Applications open October 1st until the program fills
  2. Winter Term (January Intake): Applications open March 15th until the program fills

Many programs have ongoing intakes which provides opportunities for enrollment throughout the year. In the event that a forthcoming intake is at maximum capacity, eligible candidates will be placed on a waitlist for the next open spot. Once on the waitlist, BCIT will inform you as soon as a seat becomes available.

Facilities and Accommodations at BCIT

Academic and Research Facilities:

  1. Classrooms and Laboratories: BCIT has well-equipped classrooms and specialized laboratories that cater to various disciplines and programs. These facilities provide hands-on training and practical experience to students in fields such as engineering, computing, health sciences, business, and more.
  2. Libraries: The BCIT libraries are modern and resource-rich, offering a vast collection of books, journals, online databases, and research materials. The libraries provide quiet study spaces, computer workstations, group study rooms, and expert librarians to assist students with their research needs.
  3. Technology and Computing Resources: BCIT is known for its emphasis on technology and offers state-of-the-art computing resources. Students have access to computer labs equipped with the latest software, tools, and technologies relevant to their programs. Additionally, BCIT provides online learning platforms and digital resources to support remote and blended learning.
  4. Research Centers and Institutes: BCIT houses several research centers and institutes that focus on applied research and innovation. These facilities provide opportunities for students, faculty, and industry professionals to collaborate on cutting-edge research projects and develop solutions to real-world challenges.

Recreational and Athletic Facilities:  

  1. Sports and Fitness Facilities: BCIT promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, and its campuses feature sports and fitness facilities for students. These include gymnasiums, fitness centers, sports fields, and recreational spaces where students can engage in various physical activities, sports, and intramural leagues.

Other Facilities:

  1. Student Services: BCIT provides comprehensive student services to support the well-being and success of its students. These services include counseling and mental health support, career services, academic advising, disability support, international student support, and a variety of student clubs and organizations.
  2. Food Services and Cafeterias: BCIT campuses have multiple dining options, including cafeterias, food courts, and cafes, where students can grab meals, snacks, and beverages. These spaces also serve as social hubs for students to connect and network.
  3. Industry-Specific Facilities: Many programs at BCIT have specialized facilities designed to simulate real-world industry environments. For example, there are aircraft hangars for aerospace programs, broadcasting studios for media programs, simulation labs for nursing and healthcare programs, and fully equipped kitchens for culinary arts and hospitality programs.

Residential Facilities:

BCIT does not have on-campus housing or dormitories for its students. However, the institute recognizes the importance of housing and provides resources to help students find suitable accommodation options.

  1. Off-Campus Housing Resources: BCIT offers an Off-Campus Housing website that provides a platform for students to search for available rental accommodations near the campuses. This resource connects students with landlords and property listings in the surrounding areas.
  2. Housing Registry: BCIT maintains a Housing Registry where students can find and post housing listings. It serves as a platform for students who are looking for roommates or have available spaces in their own accommodations.
  3. Rental Assistance: BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) offers a Student Rental Assistance Program to assist students in finding affordable housing options. This program provides information, resources, and support to students who are seeking rental accommodations.
  4. Transit Accessibility: BCIT campuses are well-connected to public transportation networks, making it easier for students to commute from various locations within Metro Vancouver. This provides flexibility in terms of choosing housing options in different areas.
  5. Housing Tips and Support: BCIT provides general tips, guidelines, and resources to assist students in their housing search. This includes information on average rental costs, rental agreements, tenant rights, and other important considerations when searching for housing.

Scholarships at BCIT

BCIT offers various types of scholarships to cater to the diverse needs and achievements of its students. Here are some common types of scholarships you may come across at BCIT:

  1. General Scholarships: These scholarships are open to students from different programs and disciplines. They are often awarded based on academic merit, demonstrated leadership qualities, community involvement, or a combination of factors. General scholarships provide financial support and recognition to exceptional students at BCIT.
  2. Program-Specific Scholarships: Some scholarships are specifically designated for students enrolled in certain programs or fields of study. These scholarships recognize excellence within specific disciplines and encourage students to pursue careers in those areas. Program-specific scholarships may be funded by industry partners, alumni, or organizations associated with the respective field.
  3. International Student Scholarships: BCIT recognizes the diversity and contributions of its international student population. As a result, there are scholarships available exclusively for international students. These scholarships may assist with tuition fees or provide financial support to help international students pursue their studies at BCIT.
  4. Entrance Scholarships: BCIT offers entrance scholarships to incoming students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievements prior to enrolling at the institute. These scholarships recognize students’ prior accomplishments and provide financial support as they begin their studies at BCIT.

Our Services

We offer pre-evaluation of your documents including transcripts and English language proficiency results prior to applying to your program of choice. Additionally, we offer assistance and provide guidance in constructing optimal resumes and personal statements if required for admission. lastly we provide a checklist of all the required documents for admission and assist you with applying for residency as well.
